Intro Button
Screeing Button
Assessment Button
Goal Setting Button
Programming Button
Financial Button
Diary Button
Lead Tracking Button
Staff Training Button
Support Button
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System Requirements Button
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Whether a mobile trainer running a business on the fly, or a health club managing a business within a business, the fundamentals of client tracking, retention and KPI measurement still apply.

Picture of trainer with client
To this end Xercise Pro is a fast practical solution.
First you enter the types of services you sell, paid in full or direct debit. Client purchases are then entered at point of sale. And finally sesssions performed, business expenses and gym shifts are entered as they are used, or at the end of the week. In short that's it.
From here the rest is easy, Xercise Pro's comprehensive set of reports provide KPI's on call. Whether it be sales for a period, the liability of unused sessions or the total business activtiy as a chart, Xercise Pro is your complete personal training business application.